It's been a while since I have written anything in this blog so the first day of the new year is a good time to remedy that. I won't write much Just want to throw out some words to remember this year as we tackle the future day by day, minute by minute. Pick the ones you like and go for it with gusto!
N= NEW. Since each day is a new one, let's go forth each day and try to embrace one new idea, one new thought that captures your attention or one new attitude you didn't have the previous day. Try to look at old problems with new eyes and new thoughts towards resolving them.
E=ENERGY. I know some days are full of activities to do, things to remember, problems to solve, but save some of your energy to focus your mind toward God at some point in the day. Remember he is the Author of your days and He deserves attention every day.
W=WELCOME. Welcome each day as a new opportunity to do good, to serve, to give back. Welcome those troubling thoughts you have because it's obvious that you are meant to grow from them, and then do just that: grow!
Y=YEARNING. Cultivate yearning in your heart and your mind for more of God's peace and wisdom. Yearn to love more, do more, be more the kind of person God made you to be.He did not make you to be a bad person, full of evil and malice, but kind and good, with self-control and a loving and generous heart.
E=EAGER. Be eager to seek God's will for your life. Try to read more of His Word. The best thing I ever did
last year was to read the Bible through out loud. I feel like I grew
spiritually and it blessed me. This year I am going to read through the
Daily Guideposts 2013. I look forward to that.
A=ASSIMILATE. Use the new things you learn, the welcoming you do of each day's opportunities, the yearnings of your heart and mind, the eagerness that you have to seek God to assimilate them into your daily existence so that you are not even aware that you are doing them. They will be as natural to you as breathing.
R=RUN. Run literally, run figuratively, run with all your heart, soul, mind and strength toward what God has called you to do in each day of your life. Do not be afraid, but seek His will, His way, and He will be with you through it all.
God bless you all as live each day in this new year!