Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My church has a new focus on community. We are a Community of Christ-followers on the Frontlines.  Reaching out beyond ourselves to seek God, to being honest in our relationships, and to find our calling within God's mission.  We are also participating in 40 days of fasting from various things such as, during the first week we were asked to fast from lunch and do a 24 hour fast at the end of the week. This past week we were to fast from normal routine and spend some time during the day reading and meditating when you would be doing other things and also to build others up and not think about ourselves.  This week our focus is on adornment.  Not wearing jewelry (except wedding bands) and keep our clothing generic, free from team logos and design labels, and also no perfume or cologne.  Let ourselves be the aroma of Christ and find ways to give of ourselves.

I have to be honest and say I have not really participated.  I couldn't do the first week because of my diabetes.  The second week I just didn't have the opportunities to fulfill any of the suggestions offered to us to complete. This week is a little easier but I'm still finding it hard.  One emphasis is that we all be part of a community group. (small groups that meet outside the church every week).  I signed up for one but can't get anyone to come pick me up for the meetings so I am left out in the cold once again.  I still think there is much work to be done in this area of giving and thinking more of others than yourself.  I see a lot of people at church every Sunday and that's the one and only time I am in interaction with them.  I could probably do more myself to make contact during the week but so many people work and have families and things to do that I just hesitate.  I am the one with all the flexible time and I feel like they should fit me into their schedule when they can.  My friends have an open invitation to come and see me anytime, to call me anytime, to email me, or chat on Facebook anytime.  But no one comes to see me, no one calls. I get emails sometimes, and chat sometimes. But it's not the emails and the chat I want as part of my life.  It's the face to face social interaction.  Community is not loneliness.  It's togetherness, and camaraderie, and belonging.  I could do some calling, but like I said before, people are so busy.  Who has the time?  So I am having difficulty with this concept of community and serving because I am not able to do as much as some people can.  I still feel as lonely as I always have.  I wish so much that I were a people person.  They seem to be more likeable, to be wanted more by others.  All I can do is keep trying.  Keep praying.  Keep trusting God to bring me what He wants me to have in my life.  For after all, community is as community does.  He will make me into what He wants me to be and that is a Christ-Follower working on the frontlines to serve Him.

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