My heroes are my mom and dad, who had the faith and perseverance to take on the challenge God gave them in me: a double-handicapped child. Born in 1956, I'm not sure how much was known about Congenital Rubella Syndrome (German Measles). They did know that pregnant women should not get German measles because she could pass it to the baby. I know they thought I might not be able to eat normally. I weighed 2 pounds and 10 oz. I was born in December but did not go home until the end of February when I passed 5 pounds. My mom did not know she was pregnant when she contracted the German measles. Therefore the virus was passed through so early that more severe disabilities could have developed but by the grace of God, I've been able to see His beautiful world even with one working eye, hear the sounds around me with the help of a man-made hearing aid, speak my mind and learn about many things through going to school with "normal" children. Yes, I was "mainstreamed." My hearing did not start to deteriorate until I was in elementary school, so I was able to hear and learn to speak at the age I was supposed to. I started wearing the hearing aid in the third grade. I am thankful to be able to read and write, to have held a job for many years. I am thankful for the opportunity to be married although it did not work out. I would like another chance at marriage, so if you know someone....But I digress. I am thankful for my friends, and I am thankful for the opportunity to be a friend to others. I am thankful for Jesus Christ, who took my sins upon himself and died for me.
I just wish I could draw/paint, and sing. Oh how I wish I could find more talents I possess that I don't know about so I can use them to bless others.
I'm thankful for the avenue of prayer that I can walk down any time in gratitude, in times of sorrow and distress, in times of weakness and pain, in times of temptation and anxiety. I wish all people were confident that they can walk down this avenue with me.
I started out writing about my mom and dad. I do not know how they did it. Doctor after doctor, many hospital visits as a baby, having to have my hearing tested, taking me to the Speech and Hearing Center in Birmingham. I have many memories of sitting in waiting rooms waiting to be called in to see doctors in Birmingham. They took me to these appointments, spent countless hours thinking about me and helping me.
I had such difficulty learning the multiplication tables in school that my dad had to help me. He helped me with a science fair project in third grade. He was more interested in it than I was I think! I won 2nd place. It was his project! I remember wearing a prosthetic eye for awhile to cover my bad eye and make it look more normal. My mom always put it in and took it out. I finally had to stop wearing it due to the pain of it rubbing against my eye. I was always in so much pain when I came home from school. I had to ride the bus and the bus driver lived near us, so I was just about one of the first ones to be picked up in the morning and the last to get home in the afternoon. It would hurt so bad by then. I also remember the time I forgot to ride the bus. The date was March 1, 1966. I thought it was the day my great aunt was picking me up but I had my days mixed up. So instead of telling anyone that I was stranded, I decided to walk to my grandmother's house. I had never crossed the street before by myself. As I got nearer to the big street I had to cross, I saw a man dressed in a business suit so I decided to follow him and do what he did. I got across the street and looked around and he was gone. I don't think he went into the Christian book store that was across the street from the school but I can't be sure. Why would a man be dressed in a business suit and be walking around at 3 pm or so in the afternoon? I think he might have been a guardian angel. Anyway, I kept on going and went the long way around to my grandmother's house because I was afraid of a big dog. She didn't lock her doors at that time, it was pretty safe, so I just walked right into her house and she wasn't home, so I called my parents and let them know where I was. They were understandably concerned but they were good to me about it. So I guess I have a bit of an independent mindset sometimes. I don't remember if I was punished for this or not. Don't think so. Another time I stepped into an elevator with two different men, but we weren't going in that direction and I didn't hear them tell me to get off. so I rode the elevator, and stopped at every floor so they could find me. I think they went bananas over it. All they had to do was keep standing there in front of the doors and I would find them and get off. At least that's how I tried to solve the problem!
So no matter what has happened to me in life, I am thankful for my parents. My dad died at the early age of 48, of a heart attack but my mom is still living and she is a great help to me even now. I try my best to be there for her as well. God gave me the best parents I could have had. My Heroes Forever!
I just wish I could draw/paint, and sing. Oh how I wish I could find more talents I possess that I don't know about so I can use them to bless others.
I'm thankful for the avenue of prayer that I can walk down any time in gratitude, in times of sorrow and distress, in times of weakness and pain, in times of temptation and anxiety. I wish all people were confident that they can walk down this avenue with me.
I started out writing about my mom and dad. I do not know how they did it. Doctor after doctor, many hospital visits as a baby, having to have my hearing tested, taking me to the Speech and Hearing Center in Birmingham. I have many memories of sitting in waiting rooms waiting to be called in to see doctors in Birmingham. They took me to these appointments, spent countless hours thinking about me and helping me.
I had such difficulty learning the multiplication tables in school that my dad had to help me. He helped me with a science fair project in third grade. He was more interested in it than I was I think! I won 2nd place. It was his project! I remember wearing a prosthetic eye for awhile to cover my bad eye and make it look more normal. My mom always put it in and took it out. I finally had to stop wearing it due to the pain of it rubbing against my eye. I was always in so much pain when I came home from school. I had to ride the bus and the bus driver lived near us, so I was just about one of the first ones to be picked up in the morning and the last to get home in the afternoon. It would hurt so bad by then. I also remember the time I forgot to ride the bus. The date was March 1, 1966. I thought it was the day my great aunt was picking me up but I had my days mixed up. So instead of telling anyone that I was stranded, I decided to walk to my grandmother's house. I had never crossed the street before by myself. As I got nearer to the big street I had to cross, I saw a man dressed in a business suit so I decided to follow him and do what he did. I got across the street and looked around and he was gone. I don't think he went into the Christian book store that was across the street from the school but I can't be sure. Why would a man be dressed in a business suit and be walking around at 3 pm or so in the afternoon? I think he might have been a guardian angel. Anyway, I kept on going and went the long way around to my grandmother's house because I was afraid of a big dog. She didn't lock her doors at that time, it was pretty safe, so I just walked right into her house and she wasn't home, so I called my parents and let them know where I was. They were understandably concerned but they were good to me about it. So I guess I have a bit of an independent mindset sometimes. I don't remember if I was punished for this or not. Don't think so. Another time I stepped into an elevator with two different men, but we weren't going in that direction and I didn't hear them tell me to get off. so I rode the elevator, and stopped at every floor so they could find me. I think they went bananas over it. All they had to do was keep standing there in front of the doors and I would find them and get off. At least that's how I tried to solve the problem!
So no matter what has happened to me in life, I am thankful for my parents. My dad died at the early age of 48, of a heart attack but my mom is still living and she is a great help to me even now. I try my best to be there for her as well. God gave me the best parents I could have had. My Heroes Forever!
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